In Press
St. Georges, D. (in press). Maeve: A Creation-Centred Storying Praxis. Sacred Arts: Exploring the Spiritual Dimension of artistic Expression and Ritual. Elyssar Press.
St. Georges, D (in press). Windswept; Ruby; Stitchery. In A Fidyk & D. St. Georges (Eds.), Poetic Inquiry for Synchrony and Love: A New Order of Gravity. Common Ground Press.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. (In press). Poetic Inquiry for Synchrony and Love: A New Order of Gravity. (Eds.), Common Ground.
Fidyk, A. & St. Georges. D (in press). Kaleidoscopic Visioning. Modernism Remodelled: Art, Literature and Culture in Dialogue. Routledge.
• • •
Solo Authored (Chapters, Articles, Books, Journals )
St. Georges, D. (2024). She Hero: A Memoir of the Divine Feminine in a Creation-Centred Paradigm. Artizien: Arts and Teaching Journal 9(1) 88-113.
St. Georges, D (2024). To Unearth Tongues, Facing West, Bear Woman meets Crow Mother, In H. van Rooyen (Ed.), Voices Unbound: Poems of the eight international symposium on poetic inquiry. African Sun Press.
St. Georges, D. (2024). Embodied Landscapes. In J. Markides & D. St. Georges (Eds.). Arts Creation: A Curriculum of Relationality, Resurgence and Renewal. (pp. 347-375). DIO Press.
St. Georges, D. (2023). Maeve: Threads of creation-centred research. Holistic Educational Review.
St. Georges, D. (2022). Skyward. Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. V7(1)
St. Georges, D. (2022). Interlude: Art and Poetry. Artizein Arts and Teaching Journal 7 (1)
St. Georges, D. (2022). "Unfettered Be-ings" [Journal Cover: Photodigital collage]. Poetic Inquiry for Sychrony and Love. Special Issue. Art|Research International: A transdisicplinary Journal 7(2).
St. Georges, D. (2022). Untitled. International Journal of Fear Studies 3(2).
St. Georges, D. (2020). "Raven" [Journal Cover: Photo-digital collage & painting]. Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. V5(1). Southern Illinois University
St. Georges, D. (2019). Relational poetic encounters: Opening spaces at the Tate Liverpool. International journal of art and design education. 38(3), 710-722. DOI:10.1111/jade.12249.
St. Georges, D. (2018). Reflections of the tide: The adventure of the woman and the sea. In A. Sinner, R. L. Irwin, & T. Jokela (Eds.), Visually provoking: Dissertations in art education (pp. 201–215). Lapland University Press.
St. Georges, D. (2018). [Book Cover, Photo-digital collage and Poetic Artist statement]. Canadian Curriculum Studies. A Métissage of Inspiration/Imagination /Interconnections by Erika Hasebe-Ludt & Carl Leggo (Eds.) Toronto, Vancouver: Canadian Scholars Press.
St. Georges, D. (2017). Transfiguration sensations: Artefactual enactments of s/place. In P. Sameshima, A. Fidyk, K. James, & C. Leggo (Eds.), Poetic inquiry: Enchantment of place (pp. 305–307). Vernon Press.
St. Georges, D. (2017). [Book Cover, Painting]. Poetic Inquiry III: Enchantments of Place. Vernon Press: see: Review:
St. Georges, D. (2018). [Journal Cover, Painting "Encounters"] Canadian Review of Art Education see:
St. Georges, D. (2016). [Journal Cover, Painting & Poetic Interludes] Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (14) 1.
St. Georges, D. (2010). Art in Practice: In search of an evolution of the role of art within an educational framework [Master thesis]. McGill University, Montreal. QC.
Co-Authored: (Chapters, Articles, Books, Journals /Editorials)
Markides, J., Bartlett, S., Delgado, L., Forsythe, L., Green, s., MacDonald, J., Minthorn, R., Morin, J., Ody, M., Sanguino, H., St. Georges, D., Tucker, M.M.R. and Tucker, A. (2024) "Editorial: A decolonizing editorial: extending conversations around decolonizing methodologies", Qualitative Research Journal, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 457-460.
St. Georges, D., & Fidyk, A. (2024). Sisters of the Protectress. Finishing Line Press.
St. Georges, D., & Fidyk, A. (2023). Red Thread dancing | Featherdreaming. In E. Lyle & J. Yeon Ryn, & C. Snowber (Eds.), Special Issue: “Embodied Reflexivity through the Arts,” Qualitative Inquiry, 30(2), 226-256.
St. Georges, D., & Bickel, B. (2022) [Editorial] Creative Encounters and Interruptions. Artizein Arts and Teaching Journal 7(1) See:
St. Georges, D., & Bickel, B. (2022). An inspirited artistic co-inquiry with raw energy. In Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal. V7(1) 210-256.
*Recipient of CSSE Arts Sig, Publication Award 2022
St. Georges, D., & Fidyk, A. (2021). Woven Feathers. [Journal Launch] Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. Southern Illinois University.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. (2023). Poetic Inquiry for Synchrony and Love (Eds.), Art|Research International: A transdisicplinary Journal 7(2). [Special Issue.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. (2023). [Editorial] Poetic Inquiry for Synchrony and Love (Eds.), Art|Research International: A transdisicplinary Journal 7(2). Special Issue.
Markides, J., & St. Georges, D. (2024). (Eds). Arts Creation: A Curriculum of Relationality, Resurgence and Renewal. DIO Press.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. (2022). The Gifting of Feather: A kaleidoscopic visioning to reanimate learning. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Re/centring lives and lived experience; Re/humanizing education. Brill.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. (2022). Red Thread Dreaming. Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies , V(17) 21-29.
Seidel, J., & St. Georges, D. (2021). Bigfoot, Buffalo and Bumbles: The Jason Kenny Poetry Project. MagCloud. October 2 Book Launch at People's Poetry Festival. Calgary, AB.*Interview: The Breakdown with Nate Pike:
Bickel, B., & St. Georges, D. (2020). [Editorial] Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. (Eds.). V5(1).
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. (2020). Lessons from Birds, Bones & Body. In Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. Southern Illinois University. V5(1) 82-97.
Sinner, A., Sahagun Sanchez, V., Wicks, J., & St. Georges, D. (2019). A/R/Tographic rhythms: Opening conversations of resistance and accommodation as scholarly provocation. In A. Sinner, Rita, L. Irwin, and Adams, J. (Eds.), Provoking the field: International perspectives on visual arts PhD's in education (pp. 111–122). Intellect.
White, B., Sinner, A., & St. Georges, D. (2018). Interweavings: Threads of art education, poetry an phenomenological grapplings. Canadian Review of Art Education. pp 32-4
St. Georges. D. Women Who Create. The Feminine and the Arts. London Arts-Based Research Centre. She-Hero: A Memoir. London UK. March 2025
St. Georges, D., Big Head, R., Chambers, C. Donald, D., Sameshima, Pauline. 11th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Conference | Thinking and Experiencing the World Together. You Knew What You Had to Do: Doing the Work of Relational Renewal. University of Calgary. Feb 2025
St. Georges, D. Ettingerian Matrixal Theory, Education and the Arts Exposé. She-Hero: A Memoir of the Divine Feminine within a Creation Centred Paradigm. University of Illinois. Feb 2025
St. Georges, D. Sacred Arts: Exploring the Spiritual Dimension of Artistic Expression and Ritual. London Arts-Based Research Centre. Maeve: A Creation Story. London. UK. May 2024
St. Georges, D. & Fidyk, 9th International Symposium on Poetic Inquiry: Connect, Community, Craft. Aesthetics of a Thousands Eyes. Auckland, NZ. October 2024
St. Georges, D., & Fidyk, A. Embodied Reflexivity through the Arts Symposium (E. Lyle, J.Y Ryu & C. Snowber). Red Thread Dancing | Feather Dreaming. CSSE. York University. May 2023.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. Modernism Remodelled Conference. London Arts-Based Research Centre. Kaleidoscopic Visioning: An Approach to Re-animate Creative Processes. London. UK. Feb. 2023
Fidyk, A., & St, Georges, D. Poetic Inquiry is Relational, Affective, & Inclusive Research. SSHRC Exchange Workshop. University of Alberta. Feb. 2023
St. Georges D. [Invited Panelist]. Contemplative Education Scholar’s Panel. Engaging in Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research. Mount Saint Vincent University. Maeve: Threads of creation-centred research. Nov 2022.
St. Georges, D., & Fidyk, A. Kalidoscopic Visioning. CSSE. May 2022.
Fidyk, A., & St. Georges, D. Gifting of Feather. With Lyle, E., et al, Spot Light Symposium, CSSE. May 2021
St. Georges, D., & Fidyk, A. Unearthing of Tongues. International Symposium for Poetic Inquiry. South African. May 2021
St. Georges, D,. & Fidyk, A. Myth and Poetic Dreaming: Being well in the new now. CSSE. Edmonton, University of Alberta. (May 2021)
Bickel, B., & St. Georges, D. An artist co-inquiry into Raw Energy. CSSE Edmonton, University of Alberta. (May 2021).
McKeon, M., St. Georges, D., & Scott., M., Sacred Multiplicities: A creation-based métissage of complex belonging. CSSE Edmonton, University of Alberta. (May 2021).
St. Georges, D. ARTnow Speaker Series. University of Lethbridge. PhD dissertation research Embodied Landscapes. January.
St. Georges, D. March: TATE Exchange: Liverpool, England. Embodied Landscapes. PhD Research. Exhibition Creation Research. Workshop offered to public on found poetry titled I AM. February '
St Georges, D., Hasebe-Ludt, E., Chambers, C., Donald, D., Bouchee, J., & Heavyshield, H. April: Lecture Series. Spirit of Métissage: Curricular Offerings. University of Lethbridge. Penny building Lethbridge AB. April
St Georges, D., Hasebe-Ludt, E., Chambers, C., Leggo, C., McKeon, M., Bouchee, J., & Heavyshield, H. CSSE Canadian Society for Studies in Education. Regina, SK Spirit of Métissage: Attentive curriculum offerings. May.
St, Georges, D., & Sinner, A. The Arts in Society. Vancouver, BC. Canadian Perspectives on Arts -Based Research in Art Education Doctoral Dissertations. June
October: Women's Speaker Series: University of Lethbridge. Lethbridge, Alberta. D. St. Georges
February: Provoking Curriculum. McGill University. Montreal, Quebec
Artful Encounters: Life writing as Making Curriculum with, in and through Stories of Trans-research. A. Sinner, D. St. Georges, J. Wicks
June: Canadian Society for Education through Art, Intersections. University of Victory, Victoria, BC.
1. An epistemology of art as a multi-textural dialogue. D. St. Georges
2. Canadian Perspectives on Arts Based Research in the Art Education Doctoral Experience
A. Sinner, D. St. Georges
October: Artful Inquiry Symposium. Acts of Creation: Representational
Forms of Inquiry. McGill University, Montreal. QC.
1. Emergent identities through multi-textural dialogues. D. St Georges
2. An a/r/tographic pulse: Opening conversations of resistance and accommodation as
scholarly provocation. A. Sinner, D. St. Georges, J. Wicks
September: International Symposium for Poetic Inquiry. University of British Columbia, BC. Art as a multi-textural dialogue. D. St Georges
American Education Research Association, San Francisco. Art as a Multi- textural Dialogue. D. St Georges
Canadian Society for Education through Art. Montreal, QC. Art as a Multi-textural Dialogue. D. St Georges
2024 Prickly Pear Cactus: Goddess of the Coulée. [Photographs, poetic vignettes] SPACE Gallery. Lakehead University.
2019 Embodied Landscape. [Photo digital collage prints, poetic vignettes.] Christou Gallery.
University of Lethbridge
2016 arteSPACE. Paintings. Concordia University, Mtl, Qu
2016 Free Flow Recent Paintings. Galerie Demdio 9150 Meilleur suite 201 Mtl,
2013 From Left to Right CLC Montreal Art Gallery Paintings. Mtl, Qu
2012 From Left to Right Fleurbain Gallery Paintings, 460 #917 Ste-Catherine.
Mtl, Qu
2009 University of Montreal, Symposium: Sense and Sustainability, Photo Digital
Collage Prints. Montreal, Qu.
2009 Maison Thestler, Paintings and Photo Digital Collage Prints, Dorion, Qu.
2000 Modern Fuel Gallery,Textile Works, Kingston, On. 1999 Stuart’s Place,
Miniature Paintings , Kingston, On.
2024 Disco Renewal. [Paintings] (Juried) Faculty of Fine Arts Group Exhibit. Trianon Gallery.
2023 In Context. [Painting] (Juried) Faculty of Fine Arts Group Exhibit. Trianon Gallery. =
2021 Arts Integrated Research International Exhibit. (Juried) Lake Head University
Art Research Gallery. *
recipient of LAIR Arts Research Award
2019 Faculty Exhibit. Fine Arts Department. University of Lethbridge.
Penny Building. Lethbridge, AB.
2016 "New Beginnings" Gallery ERGA, "Pulse Botanica" Paintings Mtl, Qu
2016 "Six Montreal Painters" Le Centre D’Art E.K. Gallery, Mtl, Qu.
2015 “Warmth” Le Centre D’Art E.K. Gallery, Mtl, Qu.
2013 Gallerie Mile-End “Elegance, 5345 Ave du Parc, Mtl, Qu.
Le Centre D’Art E.K. Gallery, Complex Du Canal, Montreal, Qu
2011 Fleurbain Gallery, Small Works, 460 #917 Ste-Catherine. Mtl, Qu
Le Centre D’Art E.K. Gallery, Group Expose, Mtl, Qu.
Le Centre D’Art E.K. Gallery, Complex Du Canal, Montreal, Qu
2010 “Wildcard”, Le Nichoir, Wild bird rehabilitation center, Hudson,
Rhein Gallery, Montreal, Qu. Artists for Haiti
2008 Artists Among Us, McGill University, Photo- Digital Collage Prints. Mtl, Qu.
2007 Paintings and Photo Digital Collage Prints:
Luz Gallery, Belgo Building. Montreal, Qu
Blume Floral, St. Laurent, Blvd., Montreal, Qu
Artists Among Us, McGill University, Montreal, Qu
2006 Paintings :
Galerie Nota Bene, Montreal. Qu.
La Galerie Espace, Montreal. Qu 2005
SCA Juried, Paintings, Gallery on the Grand. Waterloo, On. 2004 Paintings: Summer
Juried. Gallery 888, Toronto, On.
SCA Juried, Barber Gallery, Guelph, On.
Aboriginal Arts, Film and Video Festival, Moose Factory, On.
2003 Paintings SCA New Members Show, Paintings, Heleconian Club,Yorkville,
Toronto, On.
SCA Members Show Juried, Paintings, Hummingbird Center for the Arts,
Toronto, Northern Lights Fine Art Exhibition, Paintings: James Bay, On. 2002 Northern
Lights Fine Art Exhibition, Paintings, James Bay, On.
2000 Textile Works :
Union Gallery, Juried, Queens University. Kingston, On.
Modern Fuel Gallery Juried, Kingston, On.
1999 Paintings and Drawings: Women’s Art Group Exhibition Frontenac Library,
Canadian Women’s Art Festival, Kingston, On.
1997 Textile works:
Art Depot, Montreal. Qu.
Belgo Building, Montreal. Qu.
VAV Gallery, Juried, Concordia University. Montreal, Qu.